Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Personal VIdeo Idea..

It finally occurred to me, what I wanted to focus on for my personal video documenting Barcelona.
My professional and public issues have a lot of "me" in them and to be honest, they are the subjects that I'm truly interested in and have captured the essence of my Catalan experience here but there is one very important life aspect that I haven't mentioned in my previous blogs- that is Spain's obsession with olives.
Olives are everywhere here! And if they're not olives, it's olive oils! They put it on everything! I must say, this absolutely thrilled me when I first got here, because its use is so abundant when back home it's outrageously expensive and never used but after 4 months now of pouring olive oil into my body I feel like it's oozing out my pores so I decided to base one of my videos on it.
To brainstorm how I will organize the video I made a little prezi, mostly because it's fun, but decided to share it with you guys if you were at all interested or more importantly had any ideas to make it more thorough or even just more entertaining. :)

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